Chinese Zodiac Animal - The Year Of The Monkey

The year of the monkey refers to the nine of the twelve-month Chinese astrology sign related to the Chinese lunar calendar. The year of the monkey also represents the Earthly branch symbol ä¹³. This symbol means luck and fortune. For those who have it, they feel that they have a very good chance of being blessed with an abundant harvest. Other meanings relate to wanting to have more children, prosperity, growth and health, and love and marriage.

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year of the monkey


For those unfamiliar with Chinese astrology, the Chinese year of the monkey generally falls between January and February. It also falls between March and April. Most people believe that the Chinese year of the monkey belongs to a specific time of year when the Monkey dances and makes noises to signify change. Some people also relate it to the moon cycles and to the four seasons.


The year of the monkey represents the cycle of twelve animals. This cycle begins with the dragon in November and goes up to the clouds in February. The animals are then joined by horses, pigs, lambs, monkeys, chickens, and dogs. The animals represent different characteristics and traits of China's ancient civilization. The twelve animals of china are collectively known as the twelve Chinese animals.

Chinese Zodiac Animal - The Year Of The Monkey


The zodiac sign based on the Chinese year of the monkey and the twelve Chinese animals are: pig, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, sheep, monkey, chicken, and dog. Depending on your birth date, your Chinese zodiac sign may be a different animal or design depending on whether you are male or female. The Chinese animals can be of one of these twelve types or any combination. For example, if you were born in November, your Chinese sign would either be a monkey or ox. If you were born in February, your Chinese sign would either be a tiger or a dragon.


If you were born in December, your Chinese sign would either be a pig or a horse. A person with an Ox sign is extremely intelligent and quick-witted. If you are a person with a Monkey sign, you are naturally creative and quick-witted.


According to Chinese astrology, the Chinese people are divided into four categories. The animal they were born under affects their temperament and character. These are the Water, Earth, Fire and Metal type. The colors associated with these four categories of Chinese zodiac are: blue for water monkey people, red for earth monkey people, yellow for fire monkey people, green for metal type people, and orange for water type people. So, depending on which type of Chinese zodiac you were born under, you would get a corresponding color.


Chinese zodiac signs have many different types of animals associated with them. Besides water monkeys, they are also associated with dogs and cats. However, most people with Chinese astrology consider any kind of mammal as a sign of good fortune. People with Monkey signs are always considered to be very quick-witted and lively.


However, Chinese astrology does not believe in any kind of animal being a bad sign. Instead, they believe that all kinds of animals make great companions. For instance, a water monkey can accompany a person as he goes about his business, giving him many useful ideas. On the other hand, a fire monkey can be an important business partner for a businessman. So, both a pig and a water monkey can make a very wise and very lucky person in Chinese astrology.


Chinese zodiac signs also has very unique characteristics like the Chinese call a Monkey their "formal enemy". However, most historians have come to call them as just ordinary irritants who were born to test human weaknesses and exploit them. The character traits of these characters are such that anyone who is born under that sign will eventually become a powerful person with great intelligence. However, people with Monkey traits will still find it hard going against others with intellectual skills. Their strong personality traits coupled with their intelligence makes them seem very lovable and endearing.


Chinese zodiac signs are also born with a corresponding color depending on the time of year they were born. If the sign falls in the water element, the person will become a very loving and caring person who strives to help his fellow beings. He will be a very loyal friend who will always be there for his loved ones. A water monkey will make a very loyal friend and will do anything for his friends.


Chinese zodiac signs are unique among all the other astrology signs. Their 12-year cycle has a deep meaning not only for the Chinese people but for people around the world as well. Its significance can best be understood by looking at the characteristics and traits that each character possesses. You can be a strong and loyal person with courage and intelligence while being born in the earth element and having a bright future ahead of you.

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