How To Survive A School Or Work Place Shooting

how to survive a school or workplace shooting

Learning how to survive a school or workplace shooting begins with a whole new level of determination. The unfortunate fact is that many shooters are disturbed at the thought of creating casualties and end up going back to the scene to carry out their deadly actions. There are several steps you can take to ensure your survival after an attack. The first step involves becoming as unperturbed as possible. You do not want to show any sign of distress or fear to any shooter involved in the incident.

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This is probably the most important thing on your how to survive a school or work attack. You should try to remain calm. You should also do your best to get to a secure location. You need to think like a sniper, which means that you should mentally imagine yourself hitting a target, rather than thinking of how your work or school is going to be affected. Being tense and panicking increases the odds of being shot by a shooter, so you should learn how to stay relaxed and calm.


If you are at a place where there are people present, such as at the workplace, you should try to keep talking. This will allow you to remain un-spoiled even if people are emotionally disturbed or angry with you. The best way to stay focused and un-perturbed is to talk with people you work with and students you attend school with. By remaining unaffected by other people and their anger, you will find how to survive a school or workplace shooting easier.

How to Survive a School Or Work Place Shooting


Another thing that will help you survive a school or workplace attack is keeping your emotions under control. Remember that during an attack, it is normal to feel scared, however, this is when you should run and hide instead of fighting back. If you become too emotional, you might end up hurting yourself or other people. In order to stay stable, you should learn how to avoid losing your cool in a stressful situation. Remember that in order to learn how to survive a school or work environment, you need to be able to think rationally instead of acting on impulse. Being controlled by your emotions will make it difficult for you to respond to attacks calmly, which can result in your death or injury.


If possible, you should inform police officers on your way to school or work. They may be able to give you the protection you need. In fact, they can warn school officials about threats that have been reported. If you are able to contact authorities soon after a school shooting occurs, you can prevent it from getting out of control. By informing authorities immediately, you can take precautions before the situation escalates and can still protect your life and those around you.


One of the best ways on how to survive a school or workplace shooting is to have your own personal alarm system that is easy to operate and yet will emit a fatal sound in case someone shoots at you. You can also use pepper spray against school or work employees. Keep in mind that these devices emit a highly volatile substance and are not advisable for you to rub off or dispose of accidentally. These devices also cannot be transferred in any manner as these liquids are dangerous to your skin. It is best to keep them in locked boxes or in the trunk of your car.


There are some things you can do to survive a school shooting. Remember that you must have your own gun to defend yourself. Although it is important for you to have a pepper spray in your hand, it is still not enough to protect you from an attacker. For instance, if he or she aims for the head or neck, your pepper spray will not do much. As much as you want to kill the person, you have to prevent others from getting hurt as well. To ensure this, always try to escape from the school building before the shooting starts.


Another secret on how to survive a school shooting is to inform your colleagues about the situation. It is not advisable for people to ignore calls about shooting incidents as it may end up in the school or office premises if the students or teachers are unaware of the danger. If you stay back after the incident, it would just compound the problem as it is possible for authorities to declare a false report. It is always wise to get help from an official source like a police officer to report the incident.

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